Responsibilities of Government


Government is a system of order for a nation, state or other political unit. It has many responsibilities, including the creation and enforcement of rules for society, defense, foreign affairs, the economy, and public services. The way that these responsibilities are executed depends on what type of government a country has, such as a democracy, a republic, an empire, socialism, communism, a monarchy, an oligarchy, or an autocracy.

Governments also regulate access to common goods like public schools, parks, and waterways. These resources are limited, and if some people use them too freely, there may not be enough for others. That is why it is important for governments to make sure that everyone has equal access to the things they need, even if those resources are not owned by the government.

Another responsibility of governments is to protect the rights of citizens, which includes freedom of speech and the press, equal protection under the law, and the right to vote. These rights help ensure that citizens can communicate with each other, and with the leaders of their government, about what is in their best interest.

The American founding fathers designed a system of government that is split into three branches, each overseeing a different aspect of national leadership: The legislative branch (Congress, or the Senate and House of Representatives) makes laws; the executive branch (the President and his/her Cabinet) carries out those laws; and the judicial branch interprets laws and judges legal cases. This division of power is called the separation of powers, and it helps prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

A third important role of government is to protect property from theft and ensure that everyone has a fair shot at success through hard work. It is the job of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of our government to ensure that these principles are upheld.

While there are many different types of government throughout the world, most nations have some of these same core functions: a democratic process for making laws; the protection and advancement of individual and group rights; the limiting of the power of government officials; and checks and balances to prevent the abuse of those powers. No matter what form of government a country has, it is essential to preserve its democratic process, which allows citizens to speak out and participate in the decision-making of their government. The American democracy is the oldest and most successful in the world, but it is not the only form of government that works. The other forms of government around the world can teach us a lot about what is necessary for a democracy to thrive. Ultimately, the most important characteristic of a democracy is its citizens. They need to be educated, informed, and involved in their government if it is to serve them well.